Beginning with Terraform Enterprise release v202103-3, and also in Terraform Cloud, checking the "sensitive" checkbox for a Terraform variable on the Variables page not only makes the variable write-only in the web UI, but also marks the variable sensitive during the Terraform run itself.
Terraform 0.14.0 introduced the ability to mark input variables as
, redacting their values from Terraform's output and logs. With the mentioned update, when the sensitive checkbox is checked in the TFC/TFE workspace's variables page, the variable will have sensitive = true
applied to it regardless as to whether this value is present in the configuration or not.
During runs in TFC/TFE an override file is generated which contains information about all of the variables defined on the workspace's variables page. It may be the case that the configuration contains a variable block that looks like the following:
variable "foo" {}
However, if the "sensitive" checkbox is checked for this variable, the following will override the sensitivity present in the configuration like this:
variable "foo" {
sensitive = true
The end result: the value of is sensitive and redacted from output.
For clarity and maintainability, it is recommend to add
sensitive = true
to all variable definitions in the Terraform configuration that would be considered sensitive when added to TFE/TFC.