This article provides an explanation for the observed changes in the Terraform usage report, specifically focusing on the "Concurrent run limit reached" parameter and the "Average applies per month" parameter.
- Access to the Terraform usage report for the relevant period.
- Basic understanding of Terraform operations, including plan and apply.
Concurrent Run Limit Reached
Assuming the Terraform Usage Report shows Concurrent Run Limit Reached Increased to 15.
The "Concurrent run limit reached" parameter indicates the number of instances where the maximum number of simultaneous Terraform operations was reached. For example, in current month, say January, this parameter increased to 15, meaning there were 15 instances where the limit was hit. Terraform Cloud imposes a limit on the number of concurrent operations (such as plan and apply) that can run at the same time. When this limit is reached, additional operations must wait in a queue until some of the running operations complete. An increase in this number suggests a higher level of concurrent usage or more frequent deployments during the month.
Average Applies Per Month
Assuming the Terraform Usage Report shows average applies per month decreased to 1500.
The "Average applies per month" parameter reflects the average number of terraform apply operations executed per month. In the same report of January, this parameter decreased to 1500, indicating fewer infrastructure changes were applied compared to the previous month. A decrease in this number suggests a reduction in the frequency of infrastructure changes or deployments during the month.
However, if you see an increase in this number, assuming to 2000, it suggests a higher frequency of infrastructure changes or deployments. This could be due to several factors:
- Increased Deployment Activity: More frequent updates or changes to the infrastructure, indicating a higher rate of development and deployment activities.
- Automated Processes: Implementation of automated CI/CD pipelines that trigger terraform apply operations more frequently.
- Scaling Operations: Increased scaling activities, such as adding or removing resources to handle varying workloads.
- Team Growth: Expansion of the team managing the infrastructure, leading to more frequent changes and updates.