Using Terraform Enterprise (TFE)/ Terraform Cloud (TFC) you are able to create workspaces with an API-driven run workflow. This article describes how to create a speculative plan using this API-driven run.
How To
Create a workspace with an API driven workflow in your TFE/TFC environment
Export these variables.
export TOKEN=<your_token> # permissions to execute runs on workspace
export TFE_HOST=<fqdn_tfe_host> # FQDN of your TFE environment
export ORG_NAME=<your_organization_name>. # Organization where the workspace resides
export WORKSPACE_NAME=<your_workspace_name>. # Name of the workspace created
export WORKSPACE_ID=<your_workspace_id> # ID of the workspace created
export UPLOAD_FILE_NAME="./content.tar.gz". # name of the zipfile that will be used in later steps
- Create a file with a null_resource that you will test with.
resource "null_resource" "test" {}
Make a tar.gz file from the file.
tar -zcvf content.tar.gz
Create a file called configuration_version_speculative.json with a configuration version. If you want normal runs remove the attribute section.
"data": {
"type": "configuration-versions",
"attributes": {
Upload the configuration version.
For a better formatted output the example uses the open-source tool jq which can be found here.
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--request POST \
--data @configuration_version_speculative.json \
https://<TFE_HOSTNAME>/api/v2/workspaces/$WORKSPACE_ID/configuration-versions | jq
- Save the upload-url from the output.
- id -> configuration id is needed in later step.
- upload-url -> url is needed for uploading the configuration in a later step.
"id": "cv-w4i9xLmMCprKjFGp",
"upload-url": "https://<TFE_HOSTNAME>/_archivist/v1/object/dmF1bHQ6djE6azNpUzQxZnRlTXNETDVmRGdXU1RIM2lreVowSUZkVzE0eW9wRmR2OC9SWGwzZ0NjWThhYlVoSTBKbFNnRytIVXp1M0krOHAzNGZnTzQ0Rk9wSDU3eHgrZGJOWUdrMFdxdThWMGJWczQxWFdPOXMxeHpYckRxVFJRUXdNZ0daVFJGYlhueUpJb2Q3dkY4eWY3TzVYRllrb2dtdnUveEhxTlRuRkg4M1lKRlptSkZYR3R0aWtDd3BlUHFWVG9qZXhWR1cyQVUvblB6T3pkcGZPUkxoNHJucnlwNkNWSkVoYVR3Z2ZydlJDbnV2bnFQTkc5UHRSSmtmTW9XeFNUZFZ5R1RQMEo2V0xqZHJJV0J6cmhqY0Erd0dDSisxZU9ieU1rZnF4N0NTR0pabm9zL3RJUThIY3BobXQ2bGhvazJGTTlsdXdFejNkUWFGSVhoNlRN"
Upload the configuration.
curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--request PUT \
--data-binary @"./content.tar.gz" \
Make a payload for the run as follows:
"data": {
"attributes": {
"message": "speculative plan"
"type": "runs",
"relationships": {
"workspace": {
"data": {
"type": "workspaces",
"configuration-version": {
"data": {
"type": "configuration-versions",
Make a manual run.
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
https://<TFE_HOSTNAME>/api/v2/runs | jq '.'
In your browser, check the run with the run_id from the output of the previous.
"links": { "self": "/api/v2/runs/run-rnkhSYviwYe2pFSH"
The URL will look similar to this:
Additional Information
If you want to resume normal runs, remove the attribute section in the configuration version and do the above steps again from the start.
"data": {
"type": "configuration-versions"
- More information about the API-driven run workflow can be found here.