Known Issues and Workarounds
- Updating Workload Identity for Projects
- TFE: Failed to enqueue cost estimate or Sentinel Policy check error after upgrade of a mounted disk instance
- [TFE] Issue uploading state files larger than 512MB
- TFE Workspace/Runs Missing from the UI
- Resolving Issues with Terraform Enterprise Reaching an Old SSO URL
- Some Health Checks show as SKIPPED in Terraform Enterprise when Consolidated Services are enabled
- Getting "Error: vnet_image_pull_enabled cannot be disabled for app running in an app service environment" after upgrading AzureRM provider to v4.x
- terraform import successful but not added to state file
- Resolving TLS Handshake failure to S3 Object Storage Endpoint on TFE v202406-1
- [TFE] Error "unexpected status code (401 Unauthorized)" Agent token invalid errors in task-worker service logs
- Mounted Disk Upgrade File Permission Processing During Upgrade to v202406-1 or Higher
- Terraform Enterprise FDO fails to start with EKS version >=1.30
- Terraform Enterprise Increased Memory Usage
- Failed to install provider - net/http: TLS handshake timeout
- Managing Disk Space in Terraform Enterprise: Slug File Accumulation
- Terraform Enterprise Startup Hangs On "Running as builtin tfe user, ensuring ownership of scratch directories..."
- Terraform runs are failing with "Sentinel policies errored" after migrating to FDO on Docker
- HCSEC-2024-19 - Terraform Enterprise’s Single Sign-On And Ruby SAML’s CVE-2024-45409
- Microsoft Time Series Insight Deprecation - "Error: Error ensuring Resource Providers are registered"
- Terraform Enterprise Node Drain Hangs and Fails to Stop Task Worker Service
- Terraform Enterprise version upgrade to v202406-1 (776) fails with ForeignKeyViolation
- After migration to FDO, TFE is using old Replicated proxy configuration
- Unlink HCP and HCP Terraform Accounts
- July/August 2024 - Terraform Enterprise failed to validate certificate - DigiCert Mass Certificate Revocation
- Error uploading state: Conflict The MD5 hash of the state provided does not match what is currently known for the same serial number
- Issue with OIDC - Vault key rotation mechanism to incorrectly identify the newest signing key: Invalid token signature
- Terraform count versus for_each meta-argument
- [TFE] Unable to pull TFE image when migrating from replicated to FDO
- Terraform Enterprise Fails to Start With "Read-only file system" Error In tfe-bootstrap Container
- terraform run error : fatal: could not read Username for 'http://<bitbucket_url>': No such device or address