The Terraform Enterprise application fails to start when restrict_worker_metadata_access is enabled due to being unable to add a firewall rule to iptables.
root@ip-10-0-40-36:~# docker logs tfe-bootstrap
[+] Bootstraping TFE docker bridge networks...
2023/11/03 18:20:27 network exists tfe_services 8543133ce931089be261ce53c7e1827339c3299869fb1cb663b24af123994db5
2023/11/03 18:20:27 network exists tfe_terraform_isolation bd71451a9a98e29f1976ccc3e6008c52eb876ae230c16ebc18e5c50517aeb720
[+] Copying gosu...
'/gosu-bin/gosu' -> '/gosu/gosu'
[+] Managing IMDS firewall rules...
[+] Figuring isolation CIDR block...
[-] Isolation CIDR block is ''
[+] Checking current rules...
[+] Adding network isolation rule...
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
- Terraform Enterprise release sequence 607(v202203-1) and later
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x / Amazon Linux 2023
- restrict_worker_metadata_access is set to 1
- The restrict_worker_metadata_access setting is incompatible with TFE deployments on RHEL 8+ systems, due to a change in the iptables management.
- restrict_worker_metadata_access is used to prevent Terraform operations from accessing the instance metadata service, which may contain IAM credentials or other sensitive data.
Disable the restrict_worker_metadata_access configuration by setting the value to "0".
- Start or restart Replicated:
# replicatedctl app restart
- Manually add the necessary iptables rules to restrict access from the network block where Terraform operation containers are attached:
## Store the Subnet value in the $cidr variable
# cidr=$(curl -s --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://docker/networks/tfe_terraform_isolation \
| jq -r '.IPAM.Config[].Subnet')
## Or if jq is not available
# cidr=$(docker network inspect tfe_terraform_isolation -f '{{range.IPAM.Config}}{{.Subnet}}{{end}}')
## Create Iptables rule
# iptables -I DOCKER-USER \
-s ${cidr} \
-d \
-m comment \
--comment "prevent terraform runners from talking to instance metadata" \
Once the above iptables rule has been added to the DOCKER-USER chain, traffic destined toward the cloud service provider's instance metadata service will be dropped, when that traffic originates from Docker containers used for Terraform plan/apply operations.