When upgrading to Terraform Enterprise releases v202309-1 through v202311-1, the tfe-admin health-check
command may show the Fluent-bit and RabbitMQ health checks as skipped as seen below:
$ tfe-admin health-check
checking: Archivist Health Check...
| checks that Archivist is up and healthy
|- ✓ PASS
checking: Terraform Enterprise Health Check...
| checks that Terraform Enterprise is up and can communicate with Redis and Postgres
|- ✓ PASS
checking: Terraform Enterprise Vault Health Check...
| checks that Terraform Enterprise can connect to Vault and is able to encrypt and decrypt tokens
|- ✓ PASS
checking: Fluent Bit Health Check...
| checks that the configure Fluent Bit server is healthy
checking: RabbitMQ Health Check...
| checks that RabbitMQ can be connected to and that we can send and consume messages
checking: Vault Server Health Check...
| checks that the configured Vault Server is healthy
|- ✓ PASS
All checks passed.
In Terraform Enterprise v202309-1 and later, the application containers follow the new Consolidated Services architecture where RabbitMQ is no longer used. Fluent-bit is skipped due to a bug in Terraform Enterprise fixed in release v202311-1.