When upgrading an installation of Terraform Enterprise (TFE) it fails and TFE will not start.(Replicated deployment)
In the logs of the 'tfe-registry-migrations' the following error is found:
error: Dirty database version 94. Fix and force version.
Another error than can be found is:
migration failed: sequence must have same owner as table it is linked to in line 0: -- Start a transaction.
In the database there are 'registry' tables that are not owned by the TFE database user, but by another user: for example 'cloudsqlsuperuser'.
To check the current owner of the registry tables, perform the following:
- Login with ssh to your TFE host
- Connect to the atlas container:
sudo docker exec -ti tfe-atlas /bin/bash
- Login to psql with the following command:
psql -h <db_fqdn> -p <port_number> -U <username> -d <database_name>
(Replace the values within <> with your own values.) - Run the following query:
select * from pg_tables where schemaname = 'registry'
You will see output like this:
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers | rowsecurity
registry | categories | cloudsqlsuperuser | | t | f | t | f
registry | categories_providers | cloudsqlsuperuser | | t | f | t | f
Notice in the 'tableowner' column there is the user 'cloudsqlsuperuser'.
This should match the TFE database user.
Rollback the environment and assign the correct user to the tables with the following steps:
- Rollback both TFE and Postgres DB to latest working status prior the upgrade (either by snapshot, or re-installing TFE)
- Login via 'ssh' to the TFE host
- Check the TFE database user with:
replicatedctl app-config export | grep -A2 -e pg_user -e pg_netloc -e pg_dbname -e pg_password
"pg_dbname": {
"value": "tfe"
"pg_netloc": {
"value": "****"
"pg_password": {
"value": "<password>"
"pg_user": {
"value": "<user>"
- Note:
- pg_netloc
(this will be in the formathost:port
, the default port is 5432 if none is given) - Login to 'psql' with the following command:
psql -h <pg_netloc host> -p <pg_netloc port> -U <pg_user> -d <pg_dbname>
Replace the values within <> with the correct ones.
Enter the 'pg_password' when required. - To reassign the owner of the registry tables, issue the command:
REASSIGN OWNED BY cloudsqlsuperuser TO <pg_user>;
(Replace '<pg_user>' with your database user.) - Check user has changed with:
select * from pg_tables where schemaname = 'registry'
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers | rowsecurity
registry | categories | <pg_user> | | t | f | t | f
registry | categories_providers | <pg_user> | | t | f | t | f
... - Proceed with the upgrade.
The upgrade should now complete successfully.
Additional Information