When Terraform Enterprise (TFE) is running on Kubernetes, there are two available approaches for updating TLS certificates: modifying the Helm chart configuration or directly patching Kubernetes secrets with kubectl
. This guide provides a walkthrough of both methods.
During the initial TFE deployment on Kubernetes, TLS configuration: tls.certData
, tls.keyData
and tls.caCertData
declared in the values.yaml file are saved in the Kubernetes secret store during the Helm chart installation.
Expected Outcome
Successfully rotate TFE TLS certificate and private key in Kubernetes with minimal disruption.
- The TFE application is up and healthy on Kubernetes
- A new set of TLS certificates
Use Case
TFE TLS certificates should be rotated under the following conditions:
- certificates expired
- replace compromised certificates
- change CA
- comply with security practices
The following command lists out the existing secrets in the given namespace. The CA bundle is stored in the secret terraform-enterprise-ca-certificates, the site certificate and its private key are stored in the secret terraform-enterprise-certificates.
$ kubectl -n tfe get secret
terraform-enterprise 1 61d
terraform-enterprise-ca-certificates Opaque 1 59d
terraform-enterprise-certificates 2 59d
terraform-enterprise-env-secrets Opaque 3 59d
Solution 1. Using Helm Upgrade
Use this method to manage TFE configuration via Helm and align TLS certificate updates with other scheduled deployment changes.
Step 1
Update the following values under the TLS block in your values.yaml .
certData: <Base64 New Certificate>
keyData: <Base64 New Private Key>
caCertData: <Base64 New CA Bundie>
Step 2
Rollout your deployment changes with new TLS certificates.
$ helm upgrade terraform-enterprise hashicorp/terraform-enterprise \
–n tfe \
--values values.yaml
NOTE: All other changes made to the values.yaml file will also be applied. Therefore, carefully review other settings to avoid unintended changes.
Solution 2. Using Kubectl command
Kubernetes secrets can also be managed using kubectl
command. Use this method to interact with kubectl without modifying the original Helm configuration.
The following steps outline the process to update the secret with the new TLS certificate and key.
Step 1:
and the private key tls.key
in base64 encoded string. This is the current TFE site certificate in use.$ kubectl -n tfe get secret terraform-enterprise-certificates -o yaml
Step 2
command to replace the certificate tls.crt
and the private key tls.key
.$ kubectl create secret tls terraform-enterprise-certificates \
--n=tfe \
--cert=./cert.pem \
--key=./key.pem \
--dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Step 3
$ kubectl -n tfe rollout restart deployment terraform-enterprise