This article demonstrates and explains how to play a recorded session of a Boundary target on a terminal/CLI & UI when for some known/unknown issues you're unable to list down the session recordings on the Boundary Admin UI, and there is a need to look at the recorded session.
This article assumes that you have a session recording already configured and it is being stored in external storage, in our case, it's AWS S3 services.
This article is a complete workaround for the scenario mentioned above and a few more if there are/will be any. If there are issues while playing/listing recordings on the Boundary Admin UI, please reach out to HashiCorp Support immediately.
Please note that the Boundary Session Recording feature is an Enterprise only feature.
The article is tested on Apple MacOS 14.6.1 Sonoma with the following:
- A Boundary Controller and an Ingress Worker v0.17.0+ent
- Up, configured, and running
- asciinema v2.4.0
- Downloaded and installed via Homebrew (brew install asciinema)
- awscli v2.17.38 or newer
- Configured with credentials that have appropriate access to perform operations on S3 service.
Play the recorded session on the Terminal/CLI
- Install "asciinema" by running "brew install asciinema" (for macOS only).
Filter the Boundary recordings from the external storage by querying the AWS S3 API directly by running the following commands as per the need:
#to fetch a recording for a particular day
% aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket <name_of_the_bucket> --query 'Contents[?contains(LastModified, `2024-08-14`)]' | grep -i "chr_*.*.meta"
#to fetch a recording between two distinct days
% aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket <name_of_the_bucket> --query "Contents[?LastModified>='2024-07-20'] | [?LastModified<='2024-8-14'].{ Key: Key, Size: Size, LastModified: LastModified }" | grep -i "chr_*.*.meta"
- The above commands are supposed to output as follows based on the number of recordings that you have and the timeframe you set in the command:
"Key": "S3_Folder_Hierarchy_If_Any/sr_GYBj8mGQQi.bsr/cr_87SStgokcs.connection/",
- in this output:
- `sr_` denotes `session recording ID`.
- `cr_` denotes `connection ID`.
- `chr_` denotes `channel ID`.
- Download the filtered & required recording using its `channel ID` by running the command:
- As of writing this article, only one channel ID can be downloaded at a time.
#we need to first authenticate against Boundary, I'm using a password type auth method here.
% export BOUNDARY_ADDR=<Address_As_Per_Your_Setup>
% boundary authenticate password -auth-method-id=ampw_txxxxxEp -login-name=admin -scope-id=global
% boundary session-recordings download -id chr_Es265p5H4i
#this will save the recording as `chr_Es265p5H4i.cast` file.
Note: As of writing this article, there is no way to upload a recording (downloaded from external storage) to Boundary Controller if in case the Boundary storage policy has deleted that recording from Boundary DB.
- Run the following "asciinema" command to play the recording on the terminal:
% asciinema play chr_Es265p5H4i.cast
- We can also print the full output of the recorded session by running the following command:
% asciinema cat chr_Es265p5H4i.cast
Play the recorded session on the UI
To play a recorded session on the Boundary UI directly, all we need to do is first make sure that you're already authenticated to Boundary Admin UI on the browser.
We need a `session recording ID` for this purpose that you can either extract from the previous section's `aws s3api` outputs or run the following command because as of writing this article filtering is not supported on session recording APIs:
% boundary session-recordings list -recursive | grep -B 3 "Created Time:*.*23 Apr 2024"
this would output a list of recordings based on the created time specified in the command. You can copy the desired `sr_` ID and run it on the pre-authenticated Boundary browser's tab with the following as its prefix:
this would take you to the recording page directly where you can play that individual recording.