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This article will guide you through the configuration steps to set up a Consul WAN Federated environment utilizing Vault as a Certificate Authority, whether it's on Kubernetes or Virtual Machines.
- Consul Cluster
- Access Control List (ACL) is enabled
- WAN Federation is enabled
- Vault Cluster
Table of Contents
Configure Vault
Configure Vault to use Consul Primary
The first step is to configure all the needed resources within Vault for Consul to properly use it as the CA.
Consul Storage Engine
- Enable the key-value (KV) v2 secrets engine to store Consul secrets in Vault
vault secrets enable -path=consul kv-v2
- If using Consul Enterprise store the enterprise license in Vault
export consul_license_key="CONSUL-LICENSE-HERE" vault kv put consul/secret/enterpriselicense key="$consul_license_key" vault kv get consul/secret/enterpriselicense
- Generate a Gossip Key for the Consul cluster and store it in Vault
export gossip_key="$( uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )" vault kv put consul/secret/gossip gossip="$gossip_key" vault kv get consul/secret/gossip
- Generate a Bootstrap Key for the Consul cluster and store it in Vault
export bootstrap_key="$( uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )" vault kv put consul/secret/bootstrap-token token="$bootstrap_key" vault kv get consul/secret/bootstrap-token
- Generate a Replication Key for the Consul cluster and store it in Vault
export replication_key="$( uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )" vault kv put consul/secret/replication-token token="$replication_key" vault kv get consul/secret/replication-token
PKI Storage Engine
Initial PKI
- The primary Consul DC will be named "dc1" in this tutorial. If your environment is different, please make sure this is updated.
export allowed_pki_domains="dc1.consul, \ consul-server, \ consul-server.consul, \ consul-server.consul.svc"
- Enable the PKI engine to be used as the CA root
vault secrets enable pki vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki
- Generate root CA cert and save it to the file "consul_ca.crt"
vault write \ -field=certificate pki/root/generate/internal \ common_name="dc1.consul" \ ttl=87600h | tee consul_ca.crt
- Create the PKI role for consul-server
vault write pki/roles/consul-server \ allowed_domains="$allowed_pki_domains" \ allow_subdomains=true \ allow_bare_domains=true \ allow_localhost=true \ generate_lease=true \ max_ttl="720h"
Consul CA Root PKI
- Create the PKI path for connect-root
vault secrets enable -path connect-root pki
- Export the consul controller PKI domains
export controller_pki_domains="consul-controller-webhook, \ consul-controller-webhook.consul, \ consul-controller-webhook.consul.svc, \ consul-controller-webhook.consul.svc.cluster.local"
- Export the connect-injector PKI domains
export injector_pki_domains="consul-connect-injector, \ consul-connect-injector.consul, \ consul-connect-injector.consul.svc, \ consul-connect-injector.consul.svc.cluster.local"
- Create the PKI secrets path for both the Consul controller and connect-inject
vault secrets enable -path controller pki vault secrets enable -path connect-inject pki vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl 87600h controller vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl 87600h connect-inject
- Issue the certificates for the Consul controller and connect-inject
vault write -field=certificate controller/root/generate/internal \ common_name="consul-controller-webhook" \ ttl=87600h vault write -field=certificate connect-inject/root/generate/internal \ common_name="consul-connect-injector" \ ttl=87600h
- Write the roles for the Consul controller and connect-inject
vault write controller/roles/controller-role \ allowed_domains="$controller_pki_domains" \ allow_subdomains=true \ allow_bare_domains=true \ allow_localhost=true \ generate_lease=true \ max_ttl="720h" vault write connect-inject/roles/connect-inject-role \ allowed_domains="$injector_pki_domains" \ allow_subdomains=true \ allow_bare_domains=true \ allow_localhost=true \ generate_lease=true \ max_ttl="720h"
- Write the token for Consul Gossip/License/Bootstrap policies
vault policy write gossip-policy - <<EOF
path "consul/secret/gossip" {
capabilities = ["read"]
vault policy write enterpriselicense-policy - <<EOF
path "consul/secret/enterpriselicense" {
capabilities = ["read"]
vault policy write bootstrap-token-policy - <<EOF
path "consul/secret/bootstrap-token" {
capabilities = ["read"]
vault policy write replication-token-policy - <<EOF
path "consul/secret/replication-token" {
capabilities = ["read"]
EOF - Write the Consul TLS Server and Webhook certificate policies
vault policy write controller-tls-ca-policy - <<EOF
path "/sys/mounts" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
path "controller/issue/controller-role" {
capabilities = ["create","update"]
path "controller/cert/ca" {
capabilities = ["read"]
vault policy write connect-inject-tls-ca-policy - <<EOF
path "/sys/mounts" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
path "connect-inject/issue/connect-inject-role" {
capabilities = ["create","update"]
path "connect-inject/cert/ca" {
capabilities = ["read"]
vault policy write consul-server - <<EOF
path "pki/issue/consul-cert-dc1" {
capabilities = ["create","update"]
path "auth/token/renew-self" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]
path "auth/token/lookup-self" {
capabilities = ["create","update"]
vault policy write connect-ca-dc1 - <<EOF
path "/sys/mounts" {
capabilities = [ "read" ]
path "/sys/mounts/*" {
capabilities = ["create","update","read","sudo"]
path "/sys/mounts/connect_root*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
path "/sys/mounts/connect-intermediate*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
path "/connect-root*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
path "/connect-intermediate*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
vault policy write ca-policy - <<EOF
path "pki/cert/ca" {
capabilities = ["read"]
EOF - Fix the associated Consul Secrets Engine policies
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/consul-server \ bound_service_account_names="consul-server" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="consul-server" \ ttl=24h vault write auth/kubernetes/role/consul-server-acl-init \ bound_service_account_names="consul-server-acl-init" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="consul-server" \ ttl=24h vault write auth/kubernetes/role/consul-client \ bound_service_account_names="consul-client" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="consul-server" \ ttl=24h vault write auth/kubernetes/role/controller-role \ bound_service_account_names="consul-controller" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="consul-server" \ ttl=1h vault write auth/kubernetes/role/connect-inject-role \ bound_service_account_names="consul-connect-injector" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="connect-ca" \ ttl=1h vault write auth/kubernetes/role/consul-ca \ bound_service_account_names="*" \ bound_service_account_namespaces="consul" \ policies="ca-policy" \ ttl=1h
Configure Vault to use Consul Secondary
- Consul TLS Server and Webhook Cert Policies
vault policy write consul-cert-dc2 - <<EOF
path "pki/issue/consul-cert-dc2"
capabilities = ["create","update"]
EOF - Consul Secrets Engine Policies ( Need to fix associated policies )
vault write pki/roles/consul-cert-dc2 \
allowed_domains="${dc2_allowed_domains}" \
allow_subdomains=true \
allow_bare_domains=true \
allow_localhost=true \
generate_lease=true \
Vault Primary DC
- Set the Vault Address environment variable
Create the Helm values file for the Vault Agent
cat < primary-values.yaml server: enabled: false injector: enabled: true externalVaultAddr: ${VAULT_ADDR} authPath: auth/kubernetes-dc1 EOT
Install Vault Agent on the secondary cluster
helm install vault --namespace vault --values primary-values.yaml hashicorp/vault --wait
Configure the Vault Auth Method
- Create the manifest file
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: vault-auth-method roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: system:auth-delegator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth-method namespace: vault subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth-method namespace: consul --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth-method namespace: vault --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth-method namespace: consul --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: vault-auth-secret namespace: vault annotations: "vault-auth-method" type:
- Apply the manifest in the primary DC
kubectl apply -f auth-method.yaml
- Obtain the appropriate values for the auth method and configure the auth method in Vault
export K8S_CA_CERT="$(kubectl -n vault get secret/vault-auth-secret --output jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode)" export K8S_JWT_TOKEN="$(kubectl -n vault get secret/vault-auth-secret --output jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)" export KUBE_API_URL=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
vault auth enable -path=kubernetes-dc1 kubernetes
vault write auth/kubernetes-dc1/config \
kubernetes_host="${KUBE_API_URL}" \
token_reviewer_jwt="${K8S_JWT_TOKEN}" \
Vault Secondary DC
- Set the Vault Address environment variable
- Create the Helm values file for the Vault Agent
cat < values.yaml server: enabled: false injector: enabled: true externalVaultAddr: ${VAULT_ADDR} authPath: auth/kubernetes-dc2 EOT
- Install Vault Agent on the secondary cluster
helm install vault --namespace vault --values values.yaml hashicorp/vault --wait
Setup the Vault Auth Method
- Create the manifest file
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: vault-auth-method roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: system:auth-delegator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth-method namespace: vault subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: vault-auth-method namespace: consul --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth-method namespace: vault --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: vault-auth-method namespace: consul --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: vault-auth-secret namespace: vault annotations: "vault-auth-method" type:
- Apply the manifest in the primary DC
kubectl apply -f auth-method.yaml
- Obtain the appropriate values for the auth method and configure the auth method in Vault
K8S_CA_CERT="$(kubectl -n vault get secret/vault-auth-secret --output jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode)" K8S_JWT_TOKEN="$(kubectl -n vault get secret/vault-auth-secret --output jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)" KUBE_API_URL=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
vault auth enable -path=kubernetes-dc1 kubernetes
vault write auth/kubernetes-dc2/config \
kubernetes_host="${KUBE_API_URL}" \
token_reviewer_jwt="${K8S_JWT_TOKEN}" \
Configure Consul
Using Kubernetes
Consul Primary
- Upload the Vault CA as a secret to the cluster (If using SSL/TSL on Vault)
kubectl --kubeconfig primary-kubeconfig create secret generic vault-ca-cert \ --from-file=vault.key=vault.key \ --from-file=vault.crt=vault.crt \
- Create the Consul Helm values file
cat < consul-primary.yaml global: datacenter: "dc1" name: consul secretsBackend: vault: enabled: true ca: secretKey: secretName: vault-ca-cert consulServerRole: consul-server consulClientRole: consul-client consulCARole: consul-ca connectCA: address: https://vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200 rootPKIPath: connect_root/ intermediatePKIPath: dc1/connect_inter/ authMethodPath: kubernetes-dc1 tls: enabled: true enableAutoEncrypt: true caCert: secretName: pki/cert/ca federation: enabled: true acls: manageSystemACLs: false bootstrapToken: secretName: 'consul/secret/bootstrap-token' secretKey: token createReplicationToken: true replicationToken: secretKey: token secretName: 'consul/secret/replication-token' gossipEncryption: secretName: 'consul/secret/gossip' secretKey: gossip server: storage: 50Gi resources: requests: memory: '100Mi' cpu: '300m' limits: memory: '100Mi' cpu: '300m' replicas: 1 serverCert: secretName: "pki/issue/consul-cert-dc1" connectInject: replicas: 1 enabled: true meshGateway: enabled: true replicas: 1 service: type: LoadBalancer port: 8443 ui: enabled: true service: enabled: true type: LoadBalancer EOT
- Install Consul on the Primary DC using the supplied values
helm install consul hashicorp/consul -f consul-primary.yaml --version 0.49.2 --kubeconfig primary-kubeconfig --wait
Consul Secondary
- Export the Kubernetes API URL for DC2 and the Mesh Gateway host for the primary DC
export KUBE_API_URL_DC2=$(kubectl --kubeconfig secondary-kubeconfig config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}') export MESH_GW_HOST=$(kubectl --kubeconfig primary-kubeconfig get svc consul-mesh-gateway --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
- Create the Vault CA cert secret on the secondary DC (If using SSL/TSL on Vault)
kubectl --kubeconfig secondary-kubeconfig create secret generic vault-ca-cert \ --from-file=vault.key=vault.key \ --from-file=vault.crt=vault.crt \
- Generate the Consul Helm values file for the secondary DC
cat < consul-secondary.yaml global: datacenter: "dc2" name: consul secretsBackend: vault: enabled: true ca: secretKey: secretName: vault-ca-cert consulServerRole: consul-server consulClientRole: consul-client consulCARole: consul-ca manageSystemACLsRole: server-acl-init connectCA: address: ${VAULT_ADDR} rootPKIPath: connect_root/ intermediatePKIPath: dc2/connect_inter/ authMethodPath: kubernetes-dc2 tls: enabled: true enableAutoEncrypt: true caCert: secretName: "pki/cert/ca" federation: enabled: true primaryDatacenter: dc1 k8sAuthMethodHost: ${KUBE_API_URL_DC2} primaryGateways: - ${MESH_GW_HOST}:8443 acls: manageSystemACLs: false replicationToken: secretKey: token secretName: 'consul/secret/replication-token' gossipEncryption: secretName: 'consul/secret/gossip' secretKey: gossip server: replicas: 1 storage: 50Gi serverCert: secretName: "pki/issue/consul-cert-dc2" connectInject: replicas: 1 enabled: true controller: enabled: true meshGateway: enabled: true replicas: 1 service: type: LoadBalancer port: 8443 ui: enabled: true service: enabled: true type: LoadBalancer EOT
- Create the secondary Consul DC using the values file
helm install consul hashicorp/consul -f consul-auto-secondary.yaml --version 0.49.2 --kubeconfig secondary-kubeconfig --wait
Using Virtual Machines (VMs)
Consul Primary
- Create a Vault Token using the connect root ACL
vault token create -policy=connect-ca
- Add the needed configuration within your primary Consul configuration HCL file
## Service mesh CA configuration connect { enabled = true ca_provider = "vault" ca_config { address = "your-vault-address" token = "vault-token" root_pki_path = "connect_root" intermediate_pki_path = "dc1/connect_inter" leaf_cert_ttl = "72h" rotation_period = "2160h" intermediate_cert_ttl = "8760h" private_key_type = "rsa" private_key_bits = 2048 } }
Consul Secondary
- Add the needed configuration within your primary Consul configuration HCL file
## Service mesh CA configuration connect { enabled = true ca_provider = "vault" ca_config { address = "your-vault-address" token = "vault-token" root_pki_path = "connect_root" intermediate_pki_path = "dc2/connect_inter" leaf_cert_ttl = "72h" rotation_period = "2160h" intermediate_cert_ttl = "8760h" private_key_type = "rsa" private_key_bits = 2048 } }
Additional Resources
- Federate multiple datacenters with WAN gossip
- WAN Federation Through Mesh Gateways Overview (K8s)
- Consul secrets engine
- Vault as a Service Mesh Certificate Authority