Vault currently does not have a direct endpoint to update the name value for an existing transit key.
This document details the how to rename an existing transit key through the backup and restore procedure.
Expected Outcome
To update the name parameter of an existing key for the transit secrets engine while retaining same the key's value.
- A running Vault server.
- Enabled transit secrets engine.
PLEASE NOTE: That this is a highly sensitive operation and this code is meant only as an example. You should take care to test the process out in a non production environment, ensure you have adequate backups and fully validate before attempting in production.
Create Test Key and Data
Create test key
vault write -f transit/keys/test-key
Create base64 encoded text
PLAINTEXT=$(base64 <<< "I am secret text")
Encrypt the text with the original key
CIPHERTEXT=$(vault write -field=ciphertext transit/encrypt/test-key plaintext=$PLAINTEXT)
Decrypt the text with the original key
DECRYPTED_PLAIN_TEXT=$(vault write -field=plaintext transit/decrypt/test-key ciphertext=$CIPHERTEXT)
Confirm that the original text and decrypted text match
[[ "$PLAINTEXT" == "$DECRYPTED_PLAIN_TEXT" ]] && echo "original text and decrypted match" || echo "original text and decrypted text do NOT match"-
Enable Key Exporting
- Allow exporting of key. NOTE: Once set, this cannot be disabled
vault write transit/keys/test-key/config exportable=true allow_plaintext_backup=true
Begin Restore/Rename Process
- Backup the original key
vault read transit/backup/test-key -format=json | jq -r '.data.backup' > backup.key
- Restore they key with the new name
vault write transit/restore/restored-test-key backup=@backup.key
Decrypt and Verify new key
- Decrypt ciphertext with the restored key
DECRYPTED_PLAIN_TEXT_FROM_RESTORED_KEY=$(vault write -field=plaintext transit/decrypt/restored-test-key ciphertext=$CIPHERTEXT)
- Confirm that the original text and the decrypted text match
[[ "$PLAINTEXT" == "$DECRYPTED_PLAIN_TEXT_FROM_RESTORED_KEY" ]] && echo "original text and decrypted match" || echo "original text and decrypted text do NOT match"
Additional Information
- Vault Documentation: Transit Secrets Engine (API)
- Vault Documentation: Vault data backup standard procedure
- Vault Tutorial: Transit secrets re-wrapping
- Vault Tutorial: Encryption as a service: transit secrets engine