This topic introduces a policy output flag for the Vault Command Line Interface (Vault CLI) that was introduced in Vault 1.11 .
The CLI flag -output-policy
can now be used with any command to print out the minimum required policy in HCL format for that operation, including whether the given path requires the "sudo" capability.
1. An authenticated user with sufficient permissions to execute the CLI command against the Vault path in question.
$ vault auth enable -output-policy aws
path "sys/auth/aws" {
capabilities = ["create", "update", "sudo"]
$ vault write -output-policy auth/userpass/users/zaid password=foo
path "auth/userpass/users/zaid" {
capabilities = ["create", "update"]
$ vault policy write -output-policy my-policy admin-policy.hcl
path "sys/policies/acl/my-policy" {
capabilities = ["create", "update"]
For more information, please refer to our official documentation listed below: