The information contained in this article has been verified as up-to-date on the date of the original publication of the article. HashiCorp endeavors to keep this information up-to-date and correct, but it makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the ongoing completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information provided.
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runs as a container (>=1.14.x) in server.snapshotAgent
on a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, and in Consul Version (<=1.13.x) where consul-snapshot-agent
runs as a container in client.snapshotAgent
running on a consul-k8s cluster should take the snapshot at certain intervals and store the snapshot in a specific GCP bucket while it retains n
number of snapshots at any point in time.server.extraVolumes
and the server.extraEnvironmentVars
are only populated into the consul
container and not the consul-snapshot-agent
- Install
- Create a consul-k8s cluster using any Consul version
- As highlighted earlier in the
section, please make sure to define theconsul-snapshot-agent
configuration in accordance with the helm chart version
- As highlighted earlier in the
- Ensure that a
is created on GCP with enough privileges to access the Cloud Storage Bucket (read
)- In our example, we will create a
with theStorage Admin
- In our example, we will create a
While writing a snapshot config which saves the snapshots on a gcp bucket. To authenticate to the bucket credentials should be taken from the environment.
"snapshot_agent": {
"log": {
"level": "INFO"
"snapshot": {
"interval": "1h",
"retain": 30,
"stale": false,
"service": "consul-snapshot",
"deregister_after": "72h",
"lock_key": "consul-snapshot/lock",
"max_failures": 3,
"local_scratch_path": ""
"google_storage": {
"bucket": "test-mgke-euw4-snapshots"
In order to implement it, with following steps.
create a k8s secret with the sa's .json key
added extra volume with the secret
Set extra env vars
Details below :
enabled: true
replicas: 3
- type : secret
name : sa-gcp
load : true
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "/consul/userconfig/sa-gcp/sa_json"
But, above setup won’t work.
Overview of possible solution
- Create a
cluster locally with the followingkind_config.yaml
file to create 1 control-plane node and 3 worker nodes
kind: Cluster apiVersion: nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker - role: worker
$ kind create cluster --name snapshot-gcp --config kind-config.yaml --image kindest/node:v1.26.6
- Use
below to create a K8s secretconsul-snapshot-config
which we are going to refer to later in the helm chart `values.yaml` file underserver.snapshotAgent.secretName
{ "snapshot_agent": { "log": { "level": "TRACE", "enable_syslog": false, "syslog_facility": "LOCAL0" }, "snapshot": { "interval": "5m", "retain": 5, "stale": false, "service": "consul-snapshot", "deregister_after": "30m", "lock_key": "consul-snapshot/lock", "max_failures": 3 }, "google_storage": { "bucket": "snapshot-bucket-112233" }, "http_addr": "", "datacenter": "dc1" } }
$ kubectl create secret generic consul-snapshot-config --from-file='config=snapshot_agent_config'
- Create a
Service Account
on GCP Portal underIAM & Admin
and passStorage Admin
role to the service-account to allow full permission to the storage bucket - Once created, use the downloaded
Service Account
credentials file to create a K8s secret, which we are going to mount to containers in the path/consul/userconfig/<secretName>/<secretKey>
- For Consul version >=1.14.x -
For Consul Version <=1.13.x -
- For Consul version >=1.14.x -
- Used in this example
$ cat river-sky-405814-54c342cb8bd3.json { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "river-sky-405814", "private_key_id": "--REDACTED--", "private_key": "--REDACTED--", "client_email": "--REDACTED--", "client_id": "--REDACTED--", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "", "universe_domain": "" }
$ kubectl create secret generic snapshot-adc-sa --from-file='creds=river-sky-405814-54c342cb8bd3.json'
- For the Google Cloud storage option, we need to set the environment variable
with credentials to authorize it to the GCP bucket- In the
file set the same env variable throughserver.extraEnvironmentVars
and pass the reference of the K8s secretsnapshot-adc-sa
in container locally under the path/consul/userconfig/snapshot-adc-sa/creds
- In the
- Once the K8s secrets are created, use the
below to install the helm chart
global: metrics: enabled: true name: consul image: 'hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.16.1-ent' enterpriseLicense: secretName: 'consul-ent-license' secretKey: 'key' enableLicenseAutoload: true server: enabled: true replicas: 3 extraVolumes: - type : secret name : snapshot-adc-sa load : true extraEnvironmentVars: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "/consul/userconfig/snapshot-adc-sa/creds" snapshotAgent: enabled: true interval: 5m configSecret: secretName: consul-snapshot-config secretKey: config connectInject: enabled: true
helm install consul hashicorp/consul -n consul --values values.yaml --version 1.2.1 --wait --debug
- Under
container logs, we can see that the container could not find the default credentials
% kubectl logs consul-server-0 -c consul-snapshot-agent -f ==> Consul snapshot agent running! Version: 1.16.1+ent Datacenter: "dc1" Interval: "5m0s" Retain: 5 Stale: false Local Scratch: /tmp Mode: daemon Service: "consul-snapshot" Deregister After: "30m0s" Lock Key: "consul-snapshot/lock" Max Failures: 3 Snapshot Storage: Google Cloud Storage -> Bucket: "snapshot-bucket-112233" ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs: 2023-11-28T06:24:20.256Z [INFO] snapshot: Waiting to obtain leadership... 2023-11-28T06:24:20.261Z [INFO] snapshot: Obtained leadership 2023-11-28T06:24:20.456Z [DEBUG] snapshot: Taking a snapshot... 2023-11-28T06:24:20.756Z [ERROR] snapshot: Snapshot failed (will retry at next interval): error="dialing: google: could not find default credentials. See for more information."
- The reason for the above failure is in the helm chart itself under
where it loadsserver.extraVolumes
to only theconsul
container but not to theconsul-snapshot-agent
% helm template consul hashicorp/consul --values values.yaml --version 1.2.1 -s templates/server-statefulset.yaml | yq '.spec.template.spec.containers[] | select (.name=="consul") | .env' - name: ADVERTISE_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: HOST_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: CONSUL_DISABLE_PERM_MGMT value: "true" - name: CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH value: /consul/license/key - name: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS value: "/consul/userconfig/snapshot-adc-sa/creds" % helm template consul hashicorp/consul --values values.yaml --version 1.2.1 -s templates/server-statefulset.yaml | yq '.spec.template.spec.containers[] | select (.name=="consul-snapshot-agent") | .env' - name: CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR value: - name: CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH value: /consul/license/key
- The reason for the above failure is in the helm chart itself under
- As a workaround, manually edit
StatefulSets by running the commandkubectl edit statefulsets/consul-server -n <consul_namespace>
to add theenv
and itsvolumeMounts
to theconsul-snapshot-agent
... - command: - /bin/sh - -ec - | exec /bin/consul snapshot agent \ -interval=5m \ -config-dir=/consul/user-config \ env: - name: CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR value: - name: CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH value: /consul/license/key - name: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS value: /consul/userconfig/snapshot-adc-sa/creds image: hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.16.1-ent imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: consul-snapshot-agen ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /consul/user-config name: snapshot-agent-user-config readOnly: true - mountPath: /consul/license name: consul-license readOnly: true - mountPath: /consul/userconfig/snapshot-adc-sa name: userconfig-snapshot-adc-sa readOnly: true dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst ...
to load the env variable with the right credential file.
% kubectl logs -f consul-server-0 -c consul-snapshot-agent ==> Consul snapshot agent running! Version: 1.16.1+ent Datacenter: "dc1" Interval: "5m0s" Retain: 5 Stale: false Local Scratch: /tmp Mode: daemon Service: "consul-snapshot" Deregister After: "30m0s" Lock Key: "consul-snapshot/lock" Max Failures: 3 Snapshot Storage: Google Cloud Storage -> Bucket: "" ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs: 2023-11-24T20:08:51.949Z [INFO] snapshot: Waiting to obtain leadership... 2023-11-24T20:08:52.151Z [INFO] snapshot: Obtained leadership 2023-11-24T20:08:52.165Z [DEBUG] snapshot: Taking a snapshot... 2023-11-24T20:08:56.139Z [INFO] snapshot: Saved snapshot: id=1700737733384006596 2023-11-24T20:08:56.660Z [DEBUG] snapshot: Rotated snapshots: number_deleted=0 2023-11-24T20:13:56.664Z [DEBUG] snapshot: Taking a snapshot... 2023-11-24T20:13:57.939Z [INFO] snapshot: Saved snapshot: id=170073804589252534 2023-11-24T20:13:58.554Z [DEBUG] snapshot: Rotated snapshots: number_deleted=0
Our Engineering team is working on a plan to provide a fix in an upcoming release of consul-k8s
which let us set the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` for GCP Cloud storage in the consul-snapshot-agent
container through server.extraVolumes
and server.extraEnvironmentVars