When using curl to query the sys/health endpoint on a DR secondary, the operator may notice the following:
"replication_performance_mode": "primary"
While querying the sys/replication/status, the operator will notice that performance mode is set to disabled:
"performance": {
"mode": "disabled"
- Vault Enterprise License
- Vault clusters with DR and Performance Replication enabled
- When a DR/Perf Primary has a DR secondary, it updates a failover address to that DR secondary which is then advertised to any Performance secondaries it may have registered.
- The DR secondary is replicating everything from the DR primary, including the information it has regarding its secondaries.
- When a Performance secondary can no longer reach the DR primary, the Performance secondary will attempt to reach out to the failover address (DR secondary). If the DR secondary was promoted to the new DR primary, it will respond to the Performance secondary and stream WALs to them.